Designed by Farmers, for Farmers

Large roof areas, agricultural buildings are ideal locations for Solar PV and Solar Thermal systems. They don’t require planning permission, are easily installed and need minimal ongoing maintenance. For agricultural operations with a high energy requirement, such as refrigeration units, poultry housing, milking parlours, grain storage etc. matching this usage to the daytime generation maximises energy efficiency, so reducing the additional cost of importing energy from the grid. Battery storage also provides new opportunity for farmers to store excess energy to use as required or sell back to the grid when tariff rates are at their highest.

Indeed, many farmers now operate an energy business as a discreet costed enterprise as part of their diversified farming operation.

Fundamentally, as custodians of our beautiful countryside, we are certain farmers primary motivation is to reduce carbon and secure the future of our planet.

Benefits for Your Farm

Check out our latest case studies here

Working with our partners

We are thrilled and proud to be working in partnership with such well-respected organisations whose values and culture blend well with ours. We look forward to being able to help consumers and businesses throughout the UK deliver a brighter future through renewable energy.

看一看we are working with in the agricultural sector below:

Farming Carbon Calculator

Interested to know how to calculate carbon for your farm? Have a look at this video that introduces the free carbon calculator tool

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