何w Solar Thermal Works

A Solar Thermal system works by harnessing the sun’s energy and converting it into heat, that is then transferred to your home or business.

Solar Thermal panels are used in conjunction with a boiler, collector or immersion heater. The solar collector utilises the sun’s rays to heat a transfer fluid which is a mixture of water and glycol, to prevent the water from freezing in the winter. The heated water from the collectors is pumped to a heat exchanger inside a water cylinder. The heat from the exchanger will then heat the water inside the cylinder.

After the liquid releases its heat, the water flows back to the collectors for reheating. A controller will ensure the fluid circulates to the collector when there is sufficient heat available. Solar Thermal technology is proven, reliable and low maintenance.

Key components of the systems are:

Collectors:Solar Thermal collectors capture the sun’s energy by heating a fluid contained within reinforced glass pipes. Collectors come in two types; flat plate and evacuated tube. Each has it’s own advantages and we will recommend the most appropriate type for your property.

Pump & Controller: The pump ensures the transfer fluid is circulated between the collectors and the water cylinder efficiently. A system control panel regulates the pump, providing information on the system’s performance, and highlighting any issues, should they develop.

Water Cylinder:The heat captured by the solar thermal collectors is pumped to a coil in the water cylinder. A solar thermal water cylinder has a dedicated coil that allows the heat from the collectors to be transferred as efficiently as possible.

Solar Thermal Systems are particularly suited for residential properties or businesses with a large hot water requirement. Householders are also eligible for the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS). This combined with fuel savings, make the payback time 5-10 years for a many Solar Thermal System.

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